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Moje služby
Moje fotografické a video služby nabízejí skvělý poměr mezi cenou a výkonem, s důrazem na udržení vysoké kvality a špičkové trendy v oboru. Cenová politika je navržena tak, aby byla přístupná, zatímco zachovává standardy, které reflektují nejnovější trendy v oblasti fotografie a videa.
Grafické práce
Virtuální 3d scan
Audio produkce
od 1 500
3-7 000
Grafické práce
od 500
3d scan objektu
od 3 500
O čem to je
Nejnovější vybavení
``Zaručte si nejlepší vizuální zážitek s mým fotografickým uměním, vždy s využitím nejmodernějšího vybavení pro optimální výstupní kvalitu.``
Photo Print
Working on integrated photography, design, communication, curation, brand and art direction commissions.
Client Focus
I have a master's degree in civil engineering from the University of Southampton
Studio Sessions
Gained a Distinction in Professional Photography Practice at London College of Printing.
Polaroid Pictures
Environment and incorporating my ongoing passion for analogue photography.
Camera Box
Working on integrated photography, design, communication, curation, brand and art direction commissions.
Contax S Camera
I have a master's degree in civil engineering from the University of Southampton
Old Film Roll
Gained a Distinction in Professional Photography Practice at London College of Printing.
Collaborate with picture editors
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
Review images for technical quality aspects
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
approve or edit captions for accuracy
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
available and prepared to travel for single
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
Shoot and upload with consideration for the market
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
Build and sustain partnerships with public relations teams
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
Photograph entertainment, news and fashion events.
Use insightful judgment to shoot, edit and select the most impactful photographs ensuring that relevant aspects of a story are covered.
who we work with
Our Partners
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